SCAN – political video magazine: Transparency and responsibility

CIVIL is an entirely open organization that is always ready to stand up for human rights and uncompromisingly fights against corruption, hate speech and fake news. CIVIL is an organization that does not withdraw from the demands for transparent and responsible implementation of the political processes by the competent bodies at the local and national level.

Precisely because of that, CIVIL also organized a seminar on transparency and responsibility in the political processes, but also monitored them at the local and central level. On the one hand, Branimir Jovanovic, finance expert and civic activist, and Biljana Ivanovska, President of the SCPC, on the responsibility and transparency, opposed to the bad policies, processes and corruption, on the other hand, the mayors and their challenges at the local level, and on the third side, the Government and its openness and transparency as a way of implementing the reforms and being accountable to the citizens, is the subject of this edition of the political video magazine SCAN.

Biljana Jordanovska

In cooperation with Маја Ivanovska, Angela Petrovska, Atanas Petrovski, Arian Mehmeti, Dehran Muratov and Xhabir Deralla


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