Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, through a video message addressed the participants of the Conference “Macedonian Elections Perspectives” and expressed confidence that the discussion will result in constructive guidelines for the legal and institutional framework for the electoral system, which the Government will take into consideration with special attention.
“I am convinced that from your contribution, constructive guidelines for the legal and institutional framework for the electoral system will result, on a transparent and inclusive basis. I assure you that I, as a Prime Minister, and the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia, will review and analyse the conclusions that will come from you. We are bound by the recommendations of the OSCE/ODIHR and Venice Commission to do so, which for this topic were in the direction of opening a comprehensive debate”, stated Zaev.
The Prime Minister added that as evidence to their efforts for introducing as many as possible democratic solutions to the electoral system is also the cooperation with the civil society sector, and with the international community, who he thanked for the significant technical and financial support to these processes.
“For these processes to truly be successful, all parties that are represented in Parliament need to show readiness to participate in these reforms. The voice of the smaller non-parliamentary parties is also important. Every constructive voice should be heard. As always, we are open for dialogue in favour of maximally democratizing the election processes in the Republic of North Macedonia. Through debate and analyses to receive the best guidelines for a model and legal solutions that will be most suitable for us to strengthen the parliamentary democracy with people’s representatives representing the interests of various communities in our country” added Zaev.
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