ELECTION REPORT #10: War of words, abuse of official position, CIVIL important announcements

In the tenth edition of CIVIL’s Election Report, Xhabir Deralla shared the organization’s latest findings and analyses from its long-term monitoring of the election process. At the same time, some important information and announcements were shared for the public, and especially for the organization’s observers, collaborators and members.


The decision of Prime Minister Zoran Zaev not to accept the resignations of Health Minister Venko Filipce and his Deputy Hasani, was used as a new offensive in the war of words addressed to the government. And everything would be in order if the decision of the Prime Minister would be a subject of criticism, with arguments and analyses. But like with everything else in our society, the public communication is contaminated with fierce and vulgar hate speech, filled with insulting words and obscene discrediting. All for more election and political points.

CIVIL’s monitoring noted yesterday, October 5, the already well- known network of profiles on the social networks and online media launching huge amounts of hate speech against the Prime Minister and Minister of Health. The offensive is openly put in an election context and goes in favour of the calls for early parliamentary elections or regrouping in Parliament, hence neglects the local agenda, even though we are in the middle of an election campaign for local elections.


CIVIL notes participation of officials at rallies of certain political parties, for whom legal restrictions apply, that is, their participation can be interpreted as abuse of official position. With more information on this occurrence, in the next edition of Election Report.


CIVIL’s monitoring notes attendance of minors at the rally of VMRO-DPMNE in the center of Skopje, as well as non-compliance to the recommendations for protection against COVID-19.

CIVIL’s recommendations remain for putting an end to the political abuse of children and minors in the election campaign and for compliance with the recommendations of the health authorities for protection against COVID-19.

CIVIL once again demands from political parties conducting a black campaign to dismiss the teams for production and distribution of disinformation and hate speech. Citizens are urged to reject and condemn the hate speech, and to check every information from relevant sources.


Today, CIVIL will send replies to all those who are interested in the short-term election observation. At the same time, today the organization will submit documentation for accreditation to the State Election Commission.

During the day, the organization will also announce the dates for the training seminars for the election observers. All members, supporters, collaborators and observers of CIVIL are invited to regularly follow the section ACTION, ELECTIONS, MONITORING at www.civilmedia.mk to timely inform themselves on all activities in which there is room for their participation.

CIVIL’s team and the Editorial Office of CIVIL MEDIA will have numerous meetings and interviews with candidates running in the local elections.

CIVIL will hold a presentation of the findings and analyses from the election monitoring for the public and the media on October 14. Additional information on the exact time and format of the event will be announced in the coming days.

CIVIL is open for cooperation and for engagement of journalists and project assistants – until the end of December. A CV and motivation letter should be sent at [email protected].

Xhabir Deralla, in cooperation with CIVIL’s Monitoring Team
Camera: Atanas Petrovski
Realization: Arian Mehmeti

Translation: N. Cvetkovska

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